You can send eNewsletters to your clients using Site Builder. These email-based newsletters can include state and federal tax alerts, tax briefings, and newsletter articles written by Wolters Kluwer experts. You can also include articles you have written.
Clients must subscribe to eNewsletters.
Once you add the eNewsletters functionality to your site, no further configuration or maintenance is required. However, if you would like, you can customize the following eNewsletter items:
To learn more about these configurable options, see Setting eNewsletter Options and Managing the Current eNewsletter.
Each eNewsletter includes six articles. These articles can include Wolters Kluwer created articles, or custom articles created by your firm. Wolters Kluwer editors provide five to seven new articles each month. You can choose to use these articles, or you can select from other Wolters Kluwer articles in the library. For information on creating your own articles, see Creating Custom Newsletters.
You can select the articles that display in your eNewsletters by making selections on the Newsletter Options page. The first six articles you select to display using the Newsletter Options page will also display in your eNewsletter. Your custom articles may or may not display in your eNewsletters depending on where you select for these articles to display on the Newsletter > Newsletter Options page. If you selected to display custom articles on the bottom of the list, and there are six or more Wolters Kluwer articles selected from the current newsletters, your custom articles will not be included in the eNewsletter. The article order is as follows:
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