Tip Technically, all employees who receive tips
are supposed to keep a daily tip record - otherwise, how can they
accurately report their tips to their employers each month? In actuality,
the IRS recognizes that this recordkeeping duty is not always carried
out. This is the reason that larger employers have to make a tip
allocation. As an employee, you can save yourself from having
to pay unexpectedly large amounts of taxes on April 15thif
you carefully keep track of your tips during the year. All it takes
is a notebook showing your name, the employer's name, and, for each
workday, the date, amount of cash tips, amount of credit card tips,
and amount of any non-cash tips. You can also use IRS Form
4070A, Employee's Daily Record of Tips, found in IRS Publication
1244, Employee's Daily Record of Tips and Report to Employer. If
you split your tips with other workers, you should also write down
the names of the other employees and the amounts you paid to them. |